5 Things You Can Do When You Need Extra Cash
The need for extra cash arising in your budget can be a frightening obstacle to overcome, especially if you’re one of the many people who live each month paycheck-to-paycheck. If your carefully planned out budget only reaches as far as your bills, an unprecedented cost or financial mistake can ruin your ability to provide for yourself and break even. If this situation sounds familiar, don’t feel bad – many people experience this at least once in their lives and, luckily, you do have some options that can help you find the extra cash you need to sort through your surprise cost. Options like payday loans can give you the freedom to handle your situation with grace and the best part of these loans? You can start your application for a payday loan online.
Before I walk you through how easy this process is, let’s first take a look at some other options that might be available to you.
1. Borrow Money from Your Family
Borrowing money from your family may seem like a blow to the pride, especially when push comes to shove and you need to find money fast. If your family is in a place to help you and can lend you the money you need, you have the opportunity to work out a repayment plan that best suits you and your needs. However, your family might not be in a financially viable place to help you and, if this is the case, you have other options available!
2. Restructure Your Budget
Restructuring your budget is a must if you find yourself trying to afford a surprise cost. While this may not help you immediately if can help you in the long run and you might free up some extra money in your budget. Start by looking at all of your extraneous costs such as your streaming or subscription services, for example, which may not cost that much initially but can add up when we consider how many different services we subscribe to. Cutting them out now may put you one step closer to handling your hardship. Remember – you can always add them back to your monthly costs when you’re a little more financially stable!
3. Pawn or Sell Your Belongings
Perhaps the least attractive option on this list, selling those extra belongings that you have laying around the house is a good way to, not only downsize on your miscellaneous items but it’s often a good way to make extra money quickly. With convenient options such as OfferUp and Letgo, you can confirm your sales through your phone. This is a risky option, however, in the current state of the world and if selling your extra belongings doesn’t feel safe, there are others available to you.
4. Apply for a Low-Interest Credit Card
There are many low-interest credit cards that come with a 0% introductory APR period. This means that you can charge the card for whatever you please and only pay back a monthly minimum, without interest accruing. Any amount left on the card at the end of this period, however, will begin to gather interest and, once you start charging the card, it’s easy to keep charing it!
Credit cards are often dependent upon your current credit score for approval, making it difficult to obtain if you don’t have a stellar score already. Without good credit, you won’t be able to secure a credit card to use for an emergency, but if you don’t have bad credit, this may be the option for you!
5. Apply for a Payday Loan
If the other options don’t appeal to you or you don’t have the best credit, payday loans are a short-term loan option type that can grant you up to $500 if you’re in Kentucky, which can go a long way in bridging the gap between paychecks or in handling your financial hardship. These loans aren’t dependent upon your credit score for approval. In fact, we won’t even take a look at your score, and applying for a loan can be started online by filling out a short form that matches you to your nearest store location. Applying for one of these convenient loans is easy, too, and here’s how you can do that.
How to Apply for a Payday Loan Online
After you complete your online form, you’ll be matched to your nearest store location. We serve several locations throughout Kentucky, so you can find payday loans near you easily. Within a few minutes of submitting your form one of our representatives will contact you to set up a face-to-face meeting, during which you’ll supply a few pieces of information that will help the representative determine your eligibility and the amount that you’ll receive for your loan. This information includes:
- Your driver's license or valid I.D.
- Your most recent pay stub as proof of income
- A blank check from an active bank account in your name
Your eligibility and the size of your loan is dependent upon your current employment status, which is why we don’t take your credit score into consideration. After the representative is finished reviewing, you have the opportunity to ask any questions or voice any concerns about the process before the loan is deposited directly into your bank account. If you find that you have questions after you've left the store you can always call or visit our FAQ page or the homepage to connect with a representative through our live chat feature. It’s that simple, thanks to the Fast Payday Loans, Inc. application process. Well? What are you waiting for? Start your application for a fast payday loan online and get your fast cash today.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.