What To Know About Online Payday Loans in KY
Sometimes you need one of the online payday loans KY provides but doubt you have all the required items to get qualified. Well, in this state, the process may be much easier than you think. In most cases, you only need proof of income to be approved. However, you may be able to get one even if you're unemployed.
Because of unemployment, most people in the United States currently have less than $3,000 in the bank for emergencies and unexpected expenses. Some of them are just one bad week away from going bankrupt. But traditional banks usually want perfect credit, a high income, and tons of collateral to approve a loan application.
Luckily, there's an alternative, and it can give you up to $500 by the end of the day. So, keep reading to find out more about online payday loans.
What You Should Know about Online Payday Loans in KY
The online payday loans Kentucky provides are designed to be quick, convenient, and easy on your credit if you choose to work with Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC. With us, you can get one even if your scores are less than perfect, and sometimes even if you're laid off from work. Meanwhile, here are three other important facts you need to know about them:
1. You Must Be at Least 18 Years Old to Qualify
It doesn't matter if you have the best job in the world. You can't get a payday advance in this state unless you're of the legal age to do so. Thus, you'll have to prove your identity and birthday before being offered any amount of money.
2. You Can Get More Than One Online Payday Loan at a Time.
The total amount you borrow cannot exceed the state limit of $500 and you can't get more than two (2) at a time. However, this option may help some people save money and avoid major setbacks on their financial roadmap.
3. Your Personal Information Is Kept Private.
It may be hard for some to trust an online loan application process because of internet hacking and identity theft. But with Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC., your personal and financial data are always kept secure through state-of-the-art software and monitoring programs.
For more information on any of these three facts, ask your payday loan agent to help. Keep in mind that filling out an application is not the same as signing the contract. You're under no obligation to sign and you'll have plenty of time to ask questions before that happens.
Who Can Apply for Online Payday Loans in KY?
More than two million people a year find themselves in a similar situation as you - wanting to know more about what it takes to get one of the online payday loans in KY while being unemployed. Those people come from all walks of life, and many of them struggle to maintain gainful employment no matter how hard they try.
At the same time, today's economy remains rocky after COVID. As a result, millions of workers are either still waiting to return to the job after being laid off or left unable to work because of illness or injury. It's not fair that those people can't get help from banks. So, alternative lenders are usually their ticket to financial freedom.
DID YOU KNOW: The average American consumer has a credit score of about 700, but most banks want at least a 750 or above to offer any amount of money. Plus, it's hard to find banks that offer such small amounts at such short notice.
How to Get Online Payday Loans in KY
You no longer have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get one of the online payday loans KY has to offer, and that's because Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC aims at making them easy and accessible. Short of showing up to the shop to sign the papers, you can request cash and schedule a time for signing the contract from the comfort of your own home. Here's how:
1. Fill Out a Short Inquiry Form to Get Started.
There's a short questionnaire on our website that's used to determine your initial eligibility. It only takes a few minutes, and then an agent will contact you within minutes to discuss the next steps.
2. Gather the Items You Need to Get Approved.
To get your money as fast as possible, show up with the following items when you're ready to sign your Kentucky payday loan contract:
- Your driver's license or a government-issued photo ID
- Your most recent pay stub from work or an alternative proof of income (social security check, alimony, unemployment benefits)
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name
3. Sign the Agreement
After reviewing your documents, a representative from Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC. will determine the amount you qualify for. If it looks reasonable to you, sign the loan documents and get your loan.
Get Started Today!
Get one of the online payday loans in KY today and become $500 richer overnight, even if your only source of income is an unemployment check due to layoffs. Get started today by submitting a short intake form on our website!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.