How Fast Are Your Fast Payday Loans? When Can I Get One?
If you’re experiencing financial difficulties, the idea of fast payday loans might seem appealing. After all, most of us have been in a tight spot or two and know just how easier it is to deal with the problem if we have access to a few hundred dollars.
That’s basically what fast payday loans are for – to provide access to the cash when you need it on short notice. And here, at Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC., when we say fast, we mean FAST.
Here’s How Fast Payday Loans Work
How Long Does It Take to Get a Loan at Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky?
Overall, the entire thing from start to finish should take you less than a day. The process is specifically designed to be simple and understandable. Each step takes the potential borrower no more than a few minutes, and the approval procedure should take no more than an hour (usually less, sometimes even as little as 30 minutes). This, of course, if you’ve done the groundwork beforehand.
What Do I Need to Do to Streamline My Fast Payday Loan Application Process?
Usually, the part of getting the required items together is what people spend the most time on. Here, at Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC., we don’t have a long list of qualifying requirements, but you do need to provide the following 3 items when applying, to prove you’re eligible in the first place:
- A state-issued ID or a driver’s license – this is required to prove you’re of legal age (18+) because minors are disqualified by default;
- Proof of income to show you’ll be able to pay the loan off – this would be your most recent pay stub. However, if your current employment situation is complicated (you’re unemployed/your income), you may be able to provide proof of non-employed income (such as welfare benefits, pensions, alimonies, etc.). Check-in with your loan representative about the documents you’ll be needing in this case.
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name – the check is required for the lender to be able to verify your bank account information. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to use another person’s account even with their explicit permission. So, if you suspect yours might not be active – double-check and get the blank check before getting started.
When Can I Get My Fast Payday Loan?
You can get a payday loan TODAY if you go ahead and apply right now. As long as you have the required items on hand, you can just send your information to your preferred Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC. store by filling out and submitting a quick cash online form.
As soon as the form gets processed, you’ll get a call from the store representative. They will make sure you understand the application process for the fast payday loans and schedule an appointment for you.
If you can go to the appointment the same day, then the representative will accommodate your timetable, and you’ll be able to come in and go through the application process ASAP. If you cannot make the visit on the same day for personal reasons, then inform the loan representative about it and they’ll do their best to schedule the appointment accordingly.
This is the most likely reason you might not be able to get the cash the same day you apply for it – without an in-person meeting, the loan representative won’t be able to assess your situation and proceed with the loan approval procedures. The easiest way to avoid this is to simply send the quick cash online form in when your schedule is clear for the visit.
The in-person appointment is what will likely take the most of your time – and keep in mind that it typically takes less than an hour.
During the meeting, the loan representative will assess all the required items you’ll provide and determine if you qualify for the Kentucky payday loans and the maximum loan amount you should be getting.
If they decide to approve you, you’ll finish the final paperwork – and get the cash either the same or next business day, depending on your bank delay policies.
Apply For Fast Payday Loans Now!
The process of getting a payday loan with Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky takes only a few hours at most from start to finish – including commute. You can get started online RIGHT NOW and, if approved, you’ll have the cash to solve your problem by the end of the day!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.