Is Your Emergency Stressing You Out? Find Relief With Payday Loans
Financial emergencies come in many different shapes and sizes but they all share one common factor – they’re stressful and, unfortunately, common. Many people have very little stored away to handle a surprise event and even more people are struggling to live paycheck-to-paycheck each month. When the need for extra cash arises within an already tight budget, many people are left wondering what they can do to handle their situation. If this sounds familiar, finding relief is easier than you think.
While creating a savings fund is easy in theory, it’s even easy to find financial relief through payday loans. Regardless of the cause of your financial crisis, a payday loan can help you bridge the gap between paychecks, giving you the financial power to handle whatever it is you’re going through. Serving several locations throughout the state of Kentucky, Fast Payday Loans, Inc. specializes in getting you financial relief when you need it most. Don’t worry about searching for payday loans Covington or payday loans near me. We match you with your nearest store location so that you can access emergency money quickly.
Payday Loans Explained
Before you decide on any loan or financial choice in your life, you should first understand the payday loan application process, what a payday loan is, and how it can help you. I’ll cover all of that and more throughout this blog so you can make an informed decision.
What is a Payday Loan?
A payday loan is a short-term loan option type that allows you fast and easy access to cash. It’s far more convenient than applying for a standard loan through the bank and it’s a lot faster than applying for a credit card. Whereas bank loans often involve a long application and deliberation process during which your credit score is analyzed and taken into consideration, payday loans can be applied for and be approved in as little as 30 minutes. That’s right. You could receive your financial relief in less than an hour!
Payday Loans Aren’t Based on Your Credit Score
What stops many people from being approved for a loan is their credit score. Most lenders conduct a credit search, which is then used to determine whether or not you’ll be approved for your loan. The problem with this is that some people with no to poor credit experience the need for emergency cash the same day that people with good scores do which is why payday loans aren’t dependent upon your credit score. In fact, we won’t even take a look at your score while reviewing your application.
Applying is Easy and Fast
Emergencies rarely give you plenty of time to deal with them. Instead of spending hours applying for a loan through the bank or filling out endless online documents for a credit card, payday loans offer a fast application process that starts by filling out an incredibly short online form that only takes minutes to complete. Once you hit submit, a store representative from your closest store location will reach out to you to schedule a meeting. During the meeting, you’ll be asked to provide the following pieces of information:
- A valid state-issued I.D. or driver’s license to prove that you’re 18
- Your most recent paystub as proof of employment
- A blank check from an active checking account so your loan can be deposited into your account
With a payday loan, you can receive anywhere from $100-$400 depending on your employment, which can go a long way when it comes to handling a financial emergency. During the meeting, you’ll also have the chance to ask your representative any questions you might have. Once you feel comfortable with the process, the representative will approve the loan and the funds will be deposited into your account quickly.
No Savings? No Problem!
It’s recommended that we have an amount saved that is large enough to support ourselves for six months which, for many of us, is impossible to accomplish in a timely fashion! This plan is further thrown astray when an emergency happens, and we find ourselves scrambling for extra cash. When this happens, payday loans are an option that can help you regain control of your financial situation. Don’t bother searching for payday loans in Kentucky. Visit the Fast Payday Loans, Inc. of Kentucky, and get financial relief today.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.