How To Get Payday Loans And Cash Loans For Students With An Income
With more young people than ever working to help pay for school, support their family, or simply earning some extra cash, financial emergencies can happen to anyone. Even those in high school, can qualify for payday loans and cash loans for students.
If you’re employed, there’s no reason to struggle simply because a financial emergency rears its ugly head. In this post, you’ll find everything you need to know about short-term loans for students and how they work.
What To Know About Payday Loans And Cash Loans For Students
How A Fast Payday Loan Can Help Students
If you’re a high school or college student, chances are you’re working hard for possibly minimum wage. Your income at this point is likely not where you’d love it to be. And when you have to face a financial emergency, it can be tough just to get by.
Payday loans offer a short-term solution to your problem, especially if you are gainfully employed in any capacity — minimum wage or not. Something like an unexpected hospital visit can be expensive. Last-minute travel can break the bank, as can needed home or car repairs.
That’s’ where a payday loan from Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC comes in. Fast and easy to qualify for, payday loans are available to those who are employed, at least 18 years old, and have just a few other required items. It’s an option for students who simply need cash flow help between paydays, since loans are usually due on the next payday.
If you meet the criteria, you may qualify for a loan between $100 and $500 from Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC in as little as 30 minutes — and get the cash you need ASAP.
Items Required For Payday Loans
At Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC., we are committed to helping a wide range of people get the payday loans they need. That includes students with an income.
To qualify for a fast payday loan, you just need to have the following:
- Your most recent pay stub
- A state-issued form of I.D. or driver’s license
- A blank check from a checking account in your name that is active
Can I Get Payday Loans And Cash Loans For Students With Bad Credit?
While other companies may instantly disqualify those with bad credit from getting payday loans in Kentucky, that’s not the case at Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, Inc. A history of bad credit is not a problem, since we welcome all credit types.
Other credit issues, such as discharged bankruptcy, bounced checks, and charge offs, also do not impact your qualification for a fast payday loan. It may also be possible to qualify for a fast payday loan if you have non-employed sources of income. These could include unemployment benefits, pension, or alimony.
What Is The Process Like?
It couldn’t be easier to qualify for payday loans and cash loans for students at Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC. Here’s how it works:
- On our website, fill out the quick form with some basic details, including your name, email address, phone number and zip code. A friendly loan representative will give you a call back quickly.
- Over the phone, one of our representatives will discuss the payday loan process further and review the needed materials to qualify. This is also a good time to ask any questions you might have and get answers to them.
- Bring the required items with you to a Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC location of choice; there are several locations throughout Kentucky. There, one of our associates will evaluate your documents to determine how much you may qualify for and guide you through the rest of the process.
- Once you qualify, are approved, and feel comfortable with the terms of the fast payday loan, you will get the cash you need either on the same or next business day. It literally may be just a 30-minute process.
Get In Touch Today For Your Fast Payday Loan
At Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC we are dedicated to helping students working hard to earn an income get the short-term financial relief that we all sometimes need. We know that time is of the essence with financial strains, so we’ve made it our mission to offer payday loans and cash loans for students that are easy to qualify for and leads to cash in your pocket quickly.
It’s a breeze to get started today. Go online to fill out the quick form, give us a call or visit the Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC location nearest to you. We’re on your side and are waiting to help!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.