5 Tips for Getting Quick Payday Loans: Do These Things to Get One Fast!
If you’ve recently found yourself facing some financial problems and need a little help, getting quick payday loans could be the solution you’re looking for, especially, if the problem is time-sensitive and you need money ASAP.
Here are 5 tips that could make your quick payday loan application go fast and smoothly.
5 Tips for Quick Payday Loans
1. Get Payday Loans to Solve Time-Sensitive Problems
Many people want to get fast payday loans for shopping or vacationing. As a result, they get themselves into more troubles, because payday loans are meant mainly for emergencies and shouldn’t be used for frivolous expenses.
2. Double-Check the Required Items
Make sure you’ve got all the required items in order! While the lender will accommodate your circumstances to the best of their abilities, there are certain requirements they cannot bend in your favor, even if they want to.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A state-issued photo ID to prove you’re at least 18 and eligible to apply
- Proof of income – your most recent pay stub is customary, but there can be alternatives;
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
3. Apply Online to Save Time
Don’t lose time on in-store visits when applying. You can easily apply for quick payday loans from the comfort of your own home. The only things you’ll need is your phone, a decent internet connection, and a few minutes of your time.
- Go to the Main Page;
- Fill out and submit the quick cash online form;
- Answer your phone when the loan representative contacts you with further instructions.
4. Ask the Loan Representative Any Questions You Might Have
When the loan representative calls you – ask them any questions you might have. They’re there to help you and make the process comfortable.
If you have any general questions about qualifying requirements, payment plans, or loan renewal/roll over – you can ask them right then and there.
But you can also ask them more specific questions about your specific situation – for example, alternative means of loan payoff (if you don’t get a paycheck), the possibility of rearranging the payment plan, etc.
5. Don’t Be Late for the Meeting
The loan representative will schedule a face-to-face meeting with you at a convenient location. Take the required items to the meeting so that the representative can perform evaluation and determine:
- If you qualify for the loan;
- How much cash you qualify for
If they decide you qualify, you’ll complete the easy paperwork right then and there, and get the cash you qualified for the very same day.
This entire procedure typically takes under an hour – but you could cut down the process to as little as 30 minutes if you follow these tips and have everything in order before arriving at the meeting!
Quick Payday Loans Frequently Asked Questions
As already mentioned above – there’s no question too stupid to ask your loan representative.
In the meantime, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about quick payday loans.
Can I Apply for Quick Payday Loans if I’m Unemployed?
Yes, you can. While providing your most recent pay stub as proof of income is customary, if you don’t have a job – you can use other means to qualify for the loan, such as alimony, social security checks, unemployment benefits, etc. You can even use savings to qualify for the loan. Talk to your loan representative about it.
Can I Apply for Quick Payday Loans if My Credit Is Bad?
While the loan representative may perform a quick credit check, the results aren’t likely to influence your eligibility, as long as the required items are in order.
You can apply if your credit is bad or even altogether nonexistent, if you have discharged bankruptcy, bounced checks, or other issues, you can still get a payday loan.
Will Applying for Quick Payday Loans Damage My Credit History?
No. Quick payday loans stay entirely between the borrower and the lender – in this case, Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, Inc.
Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, Inc. won’t be reporting the loan to any credit bureaus. So, it won’t have any impact – either positive or negative – on your credit history.
I Already Have an Outstanding Payday Loan. Can I Apply for Another One?
You could, depending on the circumstances.
You cannot have more than two loans totaling $500 outstanding at the same time. If your last loan is paid down enough, you could qualify.
Submit Your Request Form Today!
Getting quick payday loans KY with Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, Inc. is fast, painless, and stress-free. Those who tried it have already discovered the benefits and advantages of payday loans as well as the simplicity and transparency of the entire process, and you could be one of them. Get started by filling a short online form today to get your cash in a matter of minutes!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.