The Simple and Easy Requirements to Get a Same Day Cash Advance
If you urgently need to get a few hundred dollars together to deal with a time-sensitive problem, getting a same-day cash advance with a payday loan is an option worth looking into.
Payday loans are designed to be accessible, simple, and fast, and that’s why they’re a good option for people seeking same-day cash advance. The entire process typically lasts less than an hour and could last as little as just 30 minutes. And the better you are prepared for it, the bigger the chance that the process will be swift and smooth.
Requirements For A Same Day Cash Advance
The process of getting fast payday loans is much easier than the process of getting a personal loan with a traditional financial institution, like a bank. And a lot of it is because the list of qualifying requirements for payday loans is much shorter. There’s no need to provide the lender with your entire financial history and jump through complicated bureaucratic hoops.
At Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC., you need just three things to apply for a same day cash advance:
1. Be Of Legal Age And Have A Valid Document To Prove It
You need to be at least 18 to apply for a payday loan. This rule applies not just to Kentucky but is the same across all states – if you’re not of legal age, you cannot qualify for a payday loan.
And, unsurprisingly, no lender is allowed to simply take your word that you’re of legal age. You’ll need to provide a valid state-issued identifying document so that the lender can verify your identity and legal age. This document can either be a state-issued photo ID or a driver’s license. Just make sure they’re valid.
2. Provide Proof Of Income
Payday loans are unsecured loans – meaning you’re not giving the lender any guarantees that their assets will be protected until you pay the loan off.
So, to qualify, you need to provide proof that you have the ability to repay the loan down the line. Typically, the proof of income most lenders ask for – with Fast Payday Loans Kentucky, LLC. being no exception – is your most recent pay stub. Since payday loans are usually due to be paid off on your next payday (hence the name “payday loans”).
However, you don’t necessarily need to be employed to qualify for a payday loan. If you’re currently unemployed, your employment situation is unstable, or you’re only starting a new job and are yet unable to provide a recent pay stub – you could still get approved if you provide proof of a non-employed income source.
As long as you’ve got all the correct documentation, it’s very likely that your income source will be accommodated. Our past customers have successfully used sources, such as unemployment and welfare benefits, court-mandated compensations, pensions, and even savings.
Just make sure to inform the loan representative you’ll be working with about your situation.
3. Have An Active Checking Account In Your Name
And last, but not least, you need to have an active checking account in your name. This is because you’ll need to provide a blank check from your checking account to the lender so they can confirm your banking details. If you have any questions regarding the process – ask the loan representative.
How To Get The Same Day Cash Advance
If you’ve got all the required items on hand, then you can easily start the process for the same day cash advance online, without having to leave the comfort of your couch.
All you need to do is fill out and submit a quick cash online form, which will send all the required details to your preferred store location. When the form gets processed (it shouldn’t take long at all), the loan representative from that location will give you a call (keep the phone close to answer). The loan representative will double-check the information from the form and provide further instructions, as well as answer any questions about the process you may have.
In the end, the loan representative will set up a meeting with an associate for you. You’ll need to take all the required items (the state-issued ID, proof of income, a blank check from an active checking account in your name) to that meeting so that the associate can assess everything and establish the terms of your loan.
If they decide you qualify for approval, they’ll help you finish your payday loan application, and you’ll get the cash the same day.
Get A Same Day Cash Advance Quickly And Easily!
Acquiring a same day cash advance with Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC. and get up to $500 quickly and easily. The entire process could last as little as just 30 minutes. All it takes to get started is 5 minutes of your time to fill out a short online form for Kentucky payday loans on our website!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.