How Kentucky Residents Are Saving Money On Home Heating Costs
Anyone who has paid a utility bill before knows how much money it costs to pay heating bills in the winter. Luckily, there are ways to lower home heating costs this year.
If you are interested in learning some of the tried-and-true tips for lowering your home heating costs in Kentucky, keep reading. This article tells you the top six methods that other Kentucky residents have used successfully.
How Kentucky Residents Are Lowering Home Heating Expenses
1. Cover-Up More
The easiest way that Kentucky residents are keeping their home heating costs down is by covering up more. Whenever you wear more clothes and sit under blankets, you don’t have to turn your thermostat up as high. As a result, your heating costs can stay down since you aren’t using as much heat.
To cover up more, you likely will have everything you need at home. All you need are some warm clothes and blankets. If you don’t have many throw blankets, you can get some cheap throw blankets at stores near you, including used goods stores.
2. Lower the Thermostat
During the winter, it costs more money to keep the heat up. In fact, just lowering the temperature by 1 degree can potentially save up to 2% on your monthly heating bill. So, you can lower your thermostat to bring the bill down.
To save as much money as possible, lower the thermostat to the lowest degree where you are still comfortable. When you lower the thermostat while covering up more, you’ll be able to lower the thermostat even lower, resulting in more savings.
3. Open and Close Blinds Strategically
Another way that Kentucky residents keep their heating costs down is by knowing when to open and close blinds. During the winter, you will want to open the blinds during the day. That way, the sun will come in through the windows, offering a bit of heat.
If it is particularly snowy, rainy, or overcast during the day, you might not want to open the blinds at all. Instead, leave them closed so as to trap the interior heat inside.
On days when you do open the blinds, make sure to close the blinds before the nighttime. It’s important that you do this before sundown so that the heat captured by the sun does not leave your home after the sun goes down.
4. Cover Any Drafty Windows
Some windows are draftier than others. If you know certain windows are drafty, cover them using a heavy-duty plastic sheet. Simply tape this sheet to the window frame. This extra layer of plastic will help to keep the cold air out and the warm air in.
You can do this on any window. It doesn’t just have to be a drafty window, but most people prefer to only do this on drafty windows since it isn’t the most attractive method for keeping home heating costs down.
5. Seal Leaks
Air leaks can be found all around your home, including around pipes, chimneys, and recessed lights. Doors and windows also have leaks. Make sure to seal any leaks once you find them. This will prevent air from slipping in and out between the cracks.
6. Tune-Up Your Heating System
The last way that you can help keep your home heating costs down is to get a tune-up done on your heating system. If your heating system has an old filter or an old pump, the heating system will not be as effective, resulting in higher heating costs. Hiring a professional to tune up your system can help you to save some money.
Help Pay Home Heating Costs With Kentucky Payday Loans
If you use the above methods, and your heating bill is still too high, there are ways that you can help get money to front the costs. With Kentucky payday loans, you can get the money you need to cover your utility bill for a month when things are tight.
Here at Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC, you can get up to $500 in payday loans. All you will need is a driver’s license, your most recent pay stub, and a blank check from your active checking account. If you have these three things, you can apply for a payday loan and potentially get the money you need in as little as 30 minutes.
Get Kentucky Payday Loans Today!
We hope that the six tips above will help you keep your home heating costs down, just as these tips have helped other Kentucky residents. For best results, try to use as many of these tips at the same time as possible.
If you need some help paying your utility bill for the time being, you can contact Fast Payday Loans of Kentucky, LLC. By filling out our online inquiry form, you can begin the process of applying for the Kentucky payday loans you need today.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.